ABA Toronto Autism Services

ABA Therapy Toronto
ABA Toronto Autism Services

aba therapy Toronto-What is Autism ABA?

 Applied behaviour analysis (ABA) is the use of these techniques and principles to bring about meaningful and positive change in behaviour. ABA” stands for Applied Behaviour Analysis.. 

ABA is a set of principles that form the basis for many behavioural treatments. 

ABA is based on the science of learning and behaviour. This science includes general “laws” about how behaviour works and how learning takes place. ABA therapy applies these laws to behaviour treatments in a way that helps to increase useful or desired behaviours. ABA also applies these laws to help reduce behaviour that may interfere with learning or behaviours that may harmful. ABA therapy is used to increase language and communication skills. It is also used to improve attention, focus, social skills, memory, and academics. ABA can be used to help decrease problem behaviours.

 ABA treatment for autism is an evidenced based approach; it is individualized for each child focusing on the areas of learning specific to that child. Evidence based” means that ABA has passed scientific tests of its usefulness, quality, and effectiveness. ABA therapy includes many different techniques. All of these techniques focus on antecedents (what happens before a behaviour occurs) and on consequences (what happens after the behaviour). One technique is “positive reinforcement.” When a behaviour is followed by something that is valued (a
reward), that behaviour is more likely to be repeated. ABA uses positive reinforcement in a way that can be measured in order to help bring about meaningful behaviour change. A few types of therapies based on ABA principles are discrete trial learning, incidental teaching (or natural environment training), verbal behaviour, pivotal response training, and natural language paradigm.

 All of these ABA-based therapies:  – Are structured – Collect data for target skills
or behaviours – Provide positive strategies for changing responses and behaviours
ABA focuses on positive reinforcement strategies. It can help children who are having difficulty learning or acquiring new skills. It can also address problem behaviours that interfere with functioning through a process called “functional behavioural assessment.” The principles and methods of behaviour analysis have been applied effectively in many circumstances to develop a wide range of skills in learners with and without disabilities.

ABA therapy to help improve

    • Language and communication skills
    • Focus, social skills, memory, Imitation and academics
    • Fine motor skills, gross motor skills and personal independence
    • Challenging behaviours
    • aba therapy toronto,aba therapy scarborough,

HOW ABA WORKS aba therapy toronto cost

In ABA, the environment refers to anything that we contact inside or outside of our body that can alter how we behave. The environment around us impacts our behaviour through our reactions to what is happening within our environments. ABA uses these environmental influences to make meaningful changes in behavior, how individuals learn and in gaining important skills.


IBI stands aba therapy toronto for Intensive Behaviour Intervention, which is a therapy used from the principles of ABA to help develop socially significant behaviours in children. This means that undesired behaviours are replaced with appropriate behaviors. Important life skills are taught, and skills to help our learners progress socially and academically are worked on to improve. IBI uses the philosophies within ABA to accomplish these changes.

ABA Mission & Vision

aba therapy toronto-Our mission and vision is to empower, to provide compassionated care and highest quality of therapy for the children with ASD. To equip and support their families. Our goal is also to Promote a positive change through evidence based procedures derived from the principle of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).

Social Skills

Social interactions-aba therapy toronto are important for development in all children, but some children may have difficulties interacting with peers and/or adults. Using ABA to promote social skills can help children to engage with their peers in ways like imaginative play, games, turn taking and sports, to name a few. Improving social skills will help our learners understand the communities they live in and how to navigate within them.

What is ABA?

Applied Behavior Analysis-aba therapy toronto is the scientific point of view that is behind understanding behavior.
The philosophy focuses on behavior change based on the environment around us. ABA allows
us to use the environment in different ways to make important changes in behavior, learning
and skill development.

Contact Information

Telephone: (647)222-9986